Aariva Pharma


  • CAS No.: 7681-82-5
  • Chemical Formula: NaI

General Information

Sodium iodide is a chemical compound consisting of sodium and iodine ions. It is commonly used in various applications, including pharmaceuticals, diagnostic imaging, and iodization of salt. Sodium iodide serves as a source of iodine, an essential micronutrient vital for thyroid function, hormone synthesis, and overall health. Its role in medical diagnostics and treatment, as well as in public health initiatives, underscores its significance in healthcare and nutrition.

Renowned for its stability and bioavailability, sodium iodide is a preferred choice for iodine supplementation and radiopharmaceutical preparations. Its significance extends beyond its chemical composition, impacting human health and well-being through various applications.


Sodium iodide typically presents as a white crystalline powder or granules. It is highly soluble in water and exhibits a saline taste. The compound’s purity and particle size may vary depending on its intended use, ranging from pharmaceutical-grade to industrial-grade formulations. Sodium iodide conforms to regulatory standards for purity and safety, ensuring its suitability for various applications.


  • White crystalline powder or granules
  • Highly soluble in water
  • Saline taste
  • Stable and bioavailable source of iodine
  • Meets pharmaceutical and industrial standards

Primary Functions

  • Source of iodine for thyroid function and hormone synthesis
  • Diagnostic agent for medical imaging


Sodium iodide is utilized in pharmaceutical formulations for iodine supplementation, particularly in the treatment of iodine deficiency disorders and thyroid conditions. Its bioavailability and stability make it suitable for oral, intravenous, and topical administration in various dosage forms.

Sodium iodide serves as a radiopharmaceutical agent for diagnostic imaging procedures such as thyroid scans and iodine-131 therapy. Its radioactive properties enable it to emit gamma radiation, facilitating the visualization and treatment of thyroid disorders and certain types of cancer.

Sodium iodide is added to salt and other food products as a means of iodine fortification, helping to prevent iodine deficiency and related health problems in populations with inadequate dietary iodine intake. Its role in public health initiatives contributes to improved thyroid function and overall well-being in communities worldwide.